Friday, June 22, 2012

Fat Chicks Corner, Artist Book

Archiving the Archive. Fat Chicks Corner meets Ashley Lil.
Artist Book, Fat Chicks Corner (FCC), Screenprint and embroidery on 74 pages of Stonehenge paper, 5" x 6".

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Poetry by StoreHouse. Works by Fat Chicks Corner

one of your art works is installed at my house
just exactly as it should be
just as you have one of mine
at yours.
Ashley Lil and StoreHouse, The Arts of Man, 21" x 28". 2012.

hangs above my bed
and with the windows closed
and the fan on "3"
sitting at the exact position
it sits now,

your piece
printed on crumpled news print
hung slightly bowed and bellowed
as you view it
laying down-
which is confusing
at times it appears above you
at times appear to stand above it-

it synchs up with your own breath
you swear to move it with your current
but at more times than not
it has a current all it's own

and at times it appears as static
with little reference to the stone
that it is carved from.

Just as you are inspired by poetry
let your work inspire more.

this should be in that even uglier
yellow staircase
for all those who have no idea
no idea
what they're doing
and should be deterred
from doing it.

-StoreHouse, 2012.

Ashley Lil and StoreHouse, The Record of Nature, 21" x 28". 2012


The banner breathes
"The arts of man
through all the years".

If you insist,
like so many have before you,
make sure to,
provide alchemy.

So your spirit too, 
within the walls of this museum,

fills them all:

all the galleries,
all the ceilings,
and the floors, 
and the halls,

to make sure you have left,
exactly what,
and enough,
of your life behind

to go on living,
as what changes:
the perception of the viewer,

as what withstands,
the supreme editor

as well as the stature 
of your valiant neighbours.

-StoreHouse, 2012.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Embroidery and Screen

Artist book, Forget-Me-Not: Cupid and Psyche. Published by Fat Chicks Corner.

Preview from the artist book, Fat Chicks Corner: Hand Picked Flowers. Published by Fat Chicks Corner.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Upcoming Show! Everything Must Go!

I have a show June 28th at Art Bar in the Gladstone Hotel. The show is titled, Raw Beauty (but in French) and will showcase fellow artist Jean Romano-Ferderber and myself.

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Parking Lot Art Fair

1439 Danforth Ave: Green P lot
Sunday June 3, 10 am – 4 pm
Following the rigid standards enforce by the CoIAF (Consulate of International Art Fairs) The Parking Lot Art Fair is the first of many international events inviting the public to partake in the lucrative world of First Class art fairs. Butcher Gallery invites artists and dealers alike to buy a parking permit, take a spot and set up shop. Your ‘booth’ stands as long as your permit is valid (strictly enforced). Entrance is free and the art is Hot.
Come visit Fat Chicks Corner this Sunday!