Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Almost Lost My Journal?!

 I had a bit of a scare the other week. I thought I had lost my journal....lucky for me it was just misplaced. Here are some sketches for my next prints....

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fat Chicks Corner Booth

StoreHouse goofing around at the annual OCAD U Book and Arts Fair
 Fat Chicks Corner + StoreHouse Table = Girl Power

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Acadia Bookbinding Workshop

Bookbinding Workshop at Acadia!
Sat Nov 10th
Learn Hard Case Binding!


Monday, September 17, 2012

books, cards, and buttons

 glass tile buttons and magnets
 screenprinted cards and handmade envelopes
 "Snow doesn't last forever but my warm wishes do....Happy Holidays!"

little blank books. 5" x 6".
 Fat Chicks Corner, Improv. 2012.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ashley Lil and StoreHouse (together) at Zine Dream V.

Horn of Plenty

the tension between....

Fool's Paradise, Hand relief on paper, 21" x 28". 2012.
The Dead Lady, Hand relief on paper, 21" x 28". 2012.
Untitled (AGO Fountain), Hand relief on paper, 21" x 28". 2012.
Two Moments Of Contemplation, Hand relief on paper, 21" x 28". 2012

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fat Chicks Corner, Acadia

By Ashley Lil and StoreHouse aka Allison Philp
The String Temple, Allison Philp, installation.
Mona Lisa, readymade, mixed media.
Pressure Makes Diamonds, stained glass.
Two Ladies At Rest, Ashley Lil and Allison Philp, installation.
The Fragmented Lady, relief on paper, mixed media.
She's Larger Than She Looks, found object, readymade.
 Fool's Paradise, relief on paper.
 The Mini Salon, Allison Philp, mixed media.
The Dead Hand, mixed media.
The Dead Lady, luma board releif matrix. 
Allison's Book Bag, Allison Philp, mixed media on cotton.
 Just Static, Allison Philp, screen prints on newsprint.
 Love-Lies-Bleeding, etching on Arches paper.
Untitled, Allison Philp, screenprint on hand-dyed muslin.

(Love you ally! xxx)

and a big thanks to Rochelle and Carlos at Acadia. You two are the best! x